So, as you’ve gotten a little older, you’ve noticed more of your hair falling out and it seems to be thinner. There can be many factors involved that can cause your hair to fall out and thin.
Other than just age, it can be hereditary, medical conditions, such as pregnancy, anemia, ringworm, and thyroid disorders, stress, and certain medications, such as depression meds, blood thinners, and oral contraceptives can all cause hair loss.
But there are several ways you can prevent your hair from thinning.
Maintaining a healthy diet, reducing stress, avoiding harsh hair treatments, using gentle hair products, and getting regular scalp massages are some ways to prevent hair loss and thinning.
So this post will cover the causes of hair thinning, ways to prevent hair loss and thinning, and then you’ll find my number one recommendation to get thicker, more beautiful hair.
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Hair Biology
Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in your skin. The primary component of hair is keratin, a type of protein.
The part of the hair that’s within the follicle is the hair root, which is the only living part of hair. The part of hair that we can see is the hair shaft.
Hair growth starts inside a follicle where stem cells are present to facilitate the growth process. These stem cells can divide and producing new hair after one has fallen out.
Additionally, a sebaceous gland is linked to each hair follicle, which secretes oily sebum to lubricate and waterproof the hair.
There is also a small arrector pili muscle attached to the follicle that causes it to move and the hair to stand up when it contracts.
The hair shaft is a solid filament that has the potential to grow to great lengths. Typically, hair grows about half an inch per month.
The hair shaft can be divided into three distinct zones: the cuticle, cortex, and medulla.
The outermost layer of the hair shaft is known as the cuticle or outer coat. It is comprised of multiple layers of thin, flat cells made of keratin that overlap like shingles on a roof.
This arrangement helps the cuticle to resist water. Additionally, the cuticle is coated with a layer of lipids that increases its water-repelling ability. This outermost layer is visible to the naked eye.
The cortex is the middle layer and is the widest part of the hair shaft. It is highly structured and organized and contains keratin bundles in rod-like structures that provide mechanical strength to the hair.
The cortex also contains melanin, which gives hair its color.
The medulla is the innermost layer of the hair shaft, and it is a small, disorganized, and more open area located in the center of the hair shaft. The medulla is not always present, but when it is, it contains highly pigmented cells filled with keratin.
Reference: Thompson Rivers University Human Biology 10.5 Hair
Hair Growth
Hair growth occurs in cycles, with periods of growth (anagen phase), rest and shedding (telogen phase), and non-growth (catagen phase).
Anagen phase- Lasts between 2 to 8 years
Catagen phase- Lasts 2 to 3 weeks
Telogen phase- Varies from person to person but can last from 100 days to 3 or 4 months.
The usual hair growth cycle for most people is 4 to 7 years. So, approximately every 7 years, your hair has cycled out and you are growing new hair.
You should also remember that some shedding of your hair every day is normal.
Ways to promote healthy hair growth
Now that you know some biology of your hair and how it grows, let’s look at some quick ways to grow a healthy mane.
1. Get it trimmed regularly- Getting your hair trimmed will encourage healthy growth. Having split ends and breakage can travel up the hair shaft, which will damage your strands and minimize the volume of your hair.
2. Use a shampoo & conditioner that will strengthen your hair- Using a strengthening shampoo and conditioner can reverse the look and feel of damaged hair.
3. Wash less frequently- Washing your hair too much can strip it of its natural oils, which can lead to dryness and breakage. Massage your scalp with your fingertips in a circular motion and rinse with lukewarm water.
4. Don’t use hot water- Using hot water can strip the natural oils and cause damage.
5. Maintain a healthy diet- Include protein, iron, zinc, biotin, B vitamins, vitamins D & E, and omega -3 fatty acids.
6. Take a supplement- Because it’s hard to get all the nutrients you need for hair growth in your diet sometimes.
7. Pamper your hair with a mask- Using a weekly mask will help keep your hair tangle-free, reduce the appearance of damage, and add hydration.
8. Don’t rub wet hair- Because your hair is most vulnerable when wet, you should either wrap it in a microfiber towel or blot gently with a soft towel.
9. Protect it from the weather- Extreme heat and cold will damage your hair so you can either cover it with a hat or scarf or use an SPF for hair.
10. Protect it from heat styling products- Either use the lowest setting or use a heat protecting spritz.
11. Don’t over brush- Brushing too much can weaken your hair.
12. Sleep on silk- Silk reduces friction between your hair and the pillowcase, making it better for your hair. And also your skin.
Check out my other post about aging hair.
Use a hair serum
How do hair serums work?
Hair serums work by coating the hair strands with a layer of silicone or other smoothing agents, which helps to tame frizz, add shine, and protect the hair from heat damage. They can also penetrate the hair shaft to nourish and strengthen the hair from within.
What are the benefits of using a hair serum?
1. Frizz control: Hair serums can help to control frizz and tame unruly hair, leaving it looking smooth and sleek.
2. Moisture retention: Hair serums can help to seal in moisture, preventing dryness and breakage.
3. Heat protection: Many hair serums contain ingredients that protect the hair from heat damage caused by styling tools like blow dryers and flat irons.
4. Shine enhancement: Hair serums can add shine to the hair, making it look healthy and lustrous.
5. Detangling: Some hair serums can help to detangle the hair, making it easier to comb or brush.
And, of course, Hair Growth!
To be more specific, DefenAge’s 150K Hair Follicle Serum.

How does the serum work?
Remember how the stem cells divide to produce a new hair after one has fallen out?
Well, this award-winning serum stimulates your dormant stem cells, which prompts the skin under your hair to act in a more youthful and healthy way.
It works for men and women alike.
What’s in the serum?
It contains their patented Defensins, which is what stimulates the body to create new cells by stimulating the dormant ones.
Other ingredients include:
Organic Pea Sprout Extract- Rejuvenates hair life cycle.
Azalea-Isolated Yeast Extract- Regenerates visible hair density.
Micoalgae Extract- Boosts visible hair strength and volume.
Vitamin B Complex- Niacinamide and Biotin improve hydration, circulation, and activate your hairs keratin.
Antioxidant Complex- To help get your natural color back and fight free radical damage.
Soothing and Calming Ingredients- A cortisone-free alternative extract from flowers “love in a puff”, black currant seed extract, and a water soluble form of the most active molecules found in green tea.
Along with other natural ingredients to support your scalps microbiome and overall scalp and follicle health.
What can you expect from the serum?
A healthier and fuller head of hair! It even goes to work on the pigment in your hair to bring back your natural color!
You’ll see the first results within 30 days.
The serum contains no hormones or drugs and can be combined with other hair treatments such as Rogaine, minoxidil, PRP and microneedling.
You can even use it for your eyebrows!
It doesn’t cause any irritation, even on a sensitive scalp.
So if you’ve been wishing for a miracle to get the hair of your youth back, you have found it!