Does the weather affect your skin?woman trying to keep face warm

Have you noticed when you are outside in the summer how your skin may seem to be somewhat oily? How about in the winter when your skin dries out a bit?

Well, the humidity in the air is the culprit to make you produce more oil when it is hot. In the winter, there is less humidity because the heat used tends to dry out the air and evaporate the moisture on your skin as well.

So, yes, the weather does affect your skin!

But it doesn’t have to!

When should you change your products?

Even though we have four seasons, or are supposed to anyway, you only need to change your products twice in the year. The first would be Spring when the temperature is staying consistently warmer.

The second, of course, will be the Fall when it’s getting cooler out.

What changes do you need to make to your products?

Now that you know when and why, how are you gonna know what to change? Well, that is the focus of this article so I am going to break it down for you.

Just keep reading!

Spring- Focus on hydration and protection from the sunbird sitting on blooming branch

First, you will want to swap heavy moisturizers for something a little more lightweight. Think hyaluronic acid or water-based moisture such as Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hyaluronic Acid Facial Moisturizer. The great thing about this moisturizer is it has SPF 50, which I will explain the importance of shortly.

For nighttime, you will want a moisturizer with a humectant such as glycerin or glycol. Humectants will draw water from the air to your skin’s surface and lock it in. Tatcha The Dewy Skin Cream is a great humectant. Humectants pair very well with emollients such as Mustela Stelatopia Emollient Baby Face Cream.

The next thing you will need if you haven’t been using it already is a vitamin C serum. Incorporating this into your skincare is going to keep those free radicals at bay and decrease sun damage. Even though moisturizing was covered first, serums are applied before your moisturizers.

Also, pairing a vitamin C serum with SPF will work very well to reduce UV rays from causing cell damage.

With that having been said, SPF is the next thing to tell you about. Even though you should already be using an SPF, you will need to probably increase its strength of it to SPF 50.

You probably tend to be out in the sun more during the warmer months, so you do need something a little stronger. Reapplying often is also a good idea for those extended times in the sun.

Another great tip for the warmer weather would be wearing a tinted moisturizer instead of heavy foundations. La Roche- Posay has a great one that is also SPF 50.

Exfoliation is important to include in your skincare, but there is some debate as to when it is more important. For me, I do it year-round. Just maybe change up the type of exfoliating you do from Spring to Winter.

In the Spring, you can use pretty much whatever you want but during the Winter, you don’t want to over-dry your skin. I will be covering your Winter products next.

Winter- Focus on Protecting and Nourishingpath through woods in winter covered in snow

Since I left off with exfoliation, that is what I will start with.

As said before, you can exfoliate year-round, but you should when your skin is dry. You don’t want to use any harsh scrubs but you should use a gentle exfoliating cleanser or one that contains glycolic acid. Not only does exfoliating slough off the dead skin, but it also helps your skincare products absorb even better, making them more effective.

There are some who believe you should exfoliate about 3 times a week, but if your skin is easily irritated, it’s just not feasible. Exfoliating 1-2 times should be plenty.

When it comes to cleansing your skin in the winter without exfoliation, you’ll want to be using creamy formulas. They tend to provide more hydration than the gel or foam ones. An excellent hydrating cleanser to use in the winter is Cera Ve Hydrating Facial Cleanser. This cleanser contains the skin-loving ingredients hyaluronic acid and ceramides.

You can keep using your vitamin C serum, but you also may want to add a hyaluronic acid serum as well. Just keep thinking about hydration! Cera Ve has a hyaluronic acid serum that also contains vitamin B5 and ceramides!

At night, you may want to consider using a retinol (vitamin A) serum to help with fighting any wrinkles and working with your vitamin C to keep your complexion bright. Cera Ve, once again, offers a stunning retinol serum with hyaluronic acid and ceramides added.

Now, you have come to your moisturizer. You will need to trade the lightweight moisture for richer moisturizers and oils.

When the temps go down, the heaters come on and the air dries out. With the air drying out, you will need a heavier moisturizer to keep it protected. I know we have all seen the commercials about Olay beating $400 creams, so of course, it would be your best choice.

The best part about Olay is they have a complete line of moisturizers to choose from for your specific needs. My favorites are Regenerist Micro sculpting Cream and Regenerist Collagen Peptide 24.

Even though it is Winter outside, you will still need to include your SPF. You can use SPF 30, you just don’t have to use as much as you do in the warmer months. You have to wear it even if it’s cloudy and you are staying inside!

lips and chapstick

Protect those eyes and lips

The skin around your eyes and lips is very delicate so you need to pay special attention to those areas no matter the time of year. So let’s see what you can do to show them a little love.

To keep a pretty pout, you should use a balm that’s ointment based containing petroleum, glycerin, or essential oils. Camphor, menthol, and eucalyptus may feel soothing but are actually drying so they should be avoided.

You should also make sure the balm you decide to use has SPF such as Coola Organic Liplux Lip Balm.

When it comes to protecting your eyes, especially when going outside, you need to wear UV-A or UV-B sunglasses. Even ifpair of blue eyes it’s cloudy out you should still wear sunglasses.

Out of all the eye creams to choose from, I have done the research and found the one most recommended. SK-II R.N.A. Power Eye Cream is the one found on the majority of lists. This cream treats those fine lines, smoothes, treats dryness, nourishes, and plumps.

I recently read somewhere you can use eye cream around and on your lips as well. So if you have any of those fine lines or dry lips, SK-II R.N.A. Power Eye Cream will work wonderfully. I mean it’s not like it “knows” it’s specifically for your eyes.


When the seasons change, the needs of your skin are going to change. Therefore, the products you use from Spring to Winter should provide what your skin has to have each season. Your skin is the only one you will ever have, so take care of it!

Don’t forget those lips and eyes either!

If you are in need of a regular routine you should read The Best Routine To Have Youthful, Hydrated, and Glowing Skin.

Please leave me some comments, questions, or suggestions below.

6 thoughts on “Should You Change Your Skincare Products With The Seasons?

  1. Really thank you so much for this post. I do not know much about this skin care. But my girlfriend is very interested in these things. Today I heard that these things need to change according to the weather. However, you have written this post in great detail. This is very important. I will definitely share this mail to my girlfriend. I think this will be more important to him than me.keep it up.

  2. I have found this article very informative, even though I am a man. I still try to work with my skin. I am 74 and do moisturize regularly. I do have an issue with dry skin, however, I did not realize the difference between winter and summer care. My skin around my nose and just between my eyes gets red and almost chapped like and Im not sure of the reason. I have found that using a Garnier moisturizer helps. I really appreciate the advice about using a scrub. Im afraid I have been guilty of using it way too often.So for me, I would be interested in your recommendations. I am very conscious of my appearance..Thank you..

    1. I am glad you found it helpful.  Skincare is just as important to men as it is to women. Keep taking good care of yours! 

  3. I have found this article very informative, even though I am a man. I still try to work with my skin. I am 74 and do moisturize regularly. I do have an issue with dry skin, however, I did not realize the difference between winter and summer care. My skin around my nose and just between my eyes gets red and almost chapped like and Im not sure of the reason. I have found that using a Garnier moisturizer helps. I really appreciate the advice about using a scrub. Im afraid I have been guilty of using it way too often.So for me, I would be interested in your recommendations. I am very conscious of my appearance..Thank you..

    1. Since you suffer from dry skin, use CeraVe Hydrating Face Wash first. Next, you will want to use a hyaluronic acid toner: toners help shrink your pores also. Then you’ll want to use a vitamin C serum, then a hyaluronic acid serum. Last, you use Olay moisturizer, it’s the best on the market. During the day don’t forget your SPF! Do this routine both morning and night and you will see the difference in no time!

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