Why Even Consider a Supplement?

    As you age your body slowly stops producing what it needs to keep you looking and feeling young. Unfortunately, there is not a youth pill that can reverse aging, there are some things you can do to slow it down. One way would be to eat the right foods with the nutrients your body needs. However, to get the right amount that your body needs, you would have to have such a large quantity that it would be physically impossible.

    knife and fork cutting a pill

    That is where supplements come in! What kind of supplements, you ask? Keep reading and you will find out what kind and what they will do for you.

    I am not a doctor and none of these statements are meant to treat or diagnose any issues you may be experiencing. Consult your physician before starting a supplement regimen.

    Collagen Peptides

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    Of course, collagen is going to be the first on the list. Not just any collagen, either, but it has to be collagen peptides. Your body is able to absorb the peptides more easily.

    Collagen is the most prominent protein in your body. Taking an oral supplement will help increase skin elasticity and improve skin moisture. It will also help alleviate joint pain and reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis.

    Read my post What Is The Big Deal With Collagen?

    Glutathione (GSH)

    This is a lesser-known anti-aging secret but happens to be your body’s primary antioxidant.  GSH limits cell and mitochondrial damage from free radicals. Your body produces this naturally but unfortunately is depleted with aging, health issues, pollution, some medications, and some unhealthy foods.

    The benefits of taking a supplement would be fewer wrinkles and improved skin elasticity. GSH has also been scientifically proven to have a skin-lightening effect.

    Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)

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    NAD+ has anti aging effects

    NAD+ is a coenzyme found in every living cell in your body, is produced naturally, and slows with aging.  Without sounding too “sciencey” NAD+ bonds with other enzymes that repair cell damage. 

    There has been some controversy over whether or not an oral supplement is effective or not. However, there was a study published in 2018 that showed a 60% increase in NAD+ levels with an oral supplement. (1)

    The benefits showed an improvement in skin tone and elasticity. Some added benefits included promoting healthy weight loss, healthy liver function, and slowing muscle loss.

    CoenzymeQ10 (CoQ10)

    This is another one you produce naturally that starts declining with age. There are sources of food that provide coq10, but for a beneficial amount, you would have to eat quite a bit.

    The benefits of taking a supplement are improved hydration, skin thickness, and elasticity. Coq10 also protects from free radicals and oxidative stress.

    Omega 3

    Commonly referred to as fish oil or omega 3 fatty acids and not to be confused with omega 6.  Including omega 3 in your diet makes your cells more resistant to damage, while omega 6 actually causes inflammation, and by now you should know that inflammation is a major cause of aging!

    Omega 3 helps block collagenase(the stuff that breaks down your collagen), promotes skin hydration, prevents the formation of wrinkles, and even helps keep acne clear by limiting the amount of oil secreted.

    image of walnuts flaxseed avocado fish

    The recommended amount of omega 3 is around 500 mg/day. Even though it can be found in foods such as salmon, walnuts, tuna, kale, and flaxseed, you may find supplements easier.

    To avoid omega 6, which is also recommended, then you will need to cut out processed foods like cereals, fried food, and margarine.

    Alpha Lipoic Acid

    This is another important antioxidant that your body produces naturally. Because it is an antioxidant, it neutralizes free radicals and fights inflammation.

    At times it may be referred to as ALA, and it increases your levels of glutathione. You just read how that could be helpful!

    ALA can be found in foods like broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, green peas, and potatoes in small amounts. So once again, it would probably be easier to take a supplement. The dosage is really unsure so you should definitely talk to your doctor first.

    It is worth noting that oncologists are integrating ALA in IV therapy for cancer patients with promising results.

    Vitamin B Complexvitamin B complex image

    You are probably familiar with taking B complex for energy, but did you know they are vital for skin health?

    There are 9 B vitamins in the complex and each contributes in its own unique way.

    B1 (thiamine) is a powerful antioxidant and you know what they do by now!

    B2 (riboflavin) helps collagen regeneration and balancing of oil production. A deficiency can cause premature wrinkles and split nails.

    B3 (niacinamide) helps to improve elasticity, tone, and texture.

    B5 (pantothenic acid or panthenol) helps retain moisture. Pair this with vitamin C and it promotes healing and repair.

    B6 (pyridoxine) helps treat eczema, acne, dryness, and diseases like melanoma and psoriasis.

    B7 (biotin) revitalizes the skin and is important in healing and moisturizing.

    B8 (inositol) has a positive effect on the serotonin levels in your brain which in turn helps in stress reduction.

    B9 (folic acid) when combined with creatine, reduces sagging skin. Also promotes cell turnover.

    B12 (cobalamin) reduces redness, inflammation, and dryness. Also encourages cell reproduction, evens skin tone, and brightens dark spots.

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

    It seems that people who have a diet rich in vitamin C tend to look younger.  Collagen and elastin production is boosted, it treats and prevents UV-induced photoaging, it lightens hyperpigmentation, reduces dark spots, and brightens skin tone.

    There are so many foods rich in this antioxidant that it shouldn’t be too hard to include in your diet. Just in case you need your memory refreshed, some foods rich in vitamin C include strawberries, oranges, cantaloupe, kiwi, cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli. Those are just a few.

    My Newest Favorite: Urolithin A

    Re-energize your muscle and skin cells with urolithin A. Urolithin A is a molecule that stimulates recycling and cleansing processes of your cells to help protect them age related decline.

    Pomegranates have the components, ellagitannins and ellagic acid, they have to be converted into urolithin A by our gut microbiome. However, not everybody’s gut microbiome can do this.

    The only way to make sure you get urolithin A is through supplementation. The only supplement that has the science to back it up is Timeline Nutrition’s Mitopure.

    I have been taking this supplement now for 3 months and I have so much more energy and my workouts don’t exhaust me anymore.

    Read more about this supplement here.


    Now, you will notice that I only covered the supplement part of these essential nutrients. However, each and every one of these can be and are included in topical creams and serums and have the same beneficial effects.

    If you feel I have left anything out, let me know in the comments below.

    (1) https://advancedcryonyc.com/new-study-confirms-anti-aging-benefits-nad/






    4 thoughts on “What Are The Most Effective Anti Aging Supplements?

    1. Great information.  Some of these items I take on a daily basis, and some I did not know about.  I am wondering if there is any supplement and/or cream that has everything you need to help with anti-aging?  I guess my question is, is there an anti-aging skincare product that does it all?  I just don’t like taking a huge handful of supplements everyday.  

      1. It would be nice if there was a supplement or cream that had all the ingredients, but as of right now you can find some supplements or creams with a couple of the ingredients together. There are a lot of vitamins that will combine the B vitamins and vitamin C. I have also seen creams with collagen and vitamin C combined.

    2. This is great! A very informative article you have here, my friend! I just realized because of your article that what I’m eating really has a factor in my skincare. Thankfully I love eating fish which is part of the Omega 3. But, I should not take as much fish because it will be bad, right? or It’s okay?

      1. The recommended amount of omega 3 is 1000mg. Even though fish is a great source, you would have to eat a ton before it would become a problem. So I believe you will be okay.

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